ezStore is a powerful ecommerce system that can operate either standalone or integrate with popular forum and cms software. Supports both digital and physical products for sale.
Store Features
- Categories and Subcategory's (Unlimited levels) for products or use the store without categories
- PayPal payment support via a PayPal account, echecks, credit cards, and handles product refunds and chargeback's
- Handles multiple pages of products
- Shopping cart system setting
- Supports digital products that can be downloaded from the store
- Multiple downloads can be added to a product
- Downloads can include license key information
- Secure digital downloads only active after payment has been completed.
- Ability to set download limits for each file.
- Admin has the option to reset the number of downloads for each user if they go over their limit.
- Feature to send free products to a user.
- Supports uploading of images for a product. Images will be resized according to the setting for the height and width
- Search transactions for users who purchased products
- On purchase a user can be moved to another member group and the membergroup can expire after a period of time.
- Track the last time a user downloaded a digital product and how many downloads a user has left
- Rating of Products on scale of 1 to 5 stars Store Admin's can delete ratings and view who rated a product
- Product Comment System, Comment approval listing, Editing own comments.
- Permissions for View Store, Rate Item, Add Comments, Edit own Comment, Auto Approve Comments, Admin Store
- Product coupon system
- Items can be marked as on sale
- Custom prices can be set for each membergroup
- Related items can be shown on the view item page
- Guest purchase product support
- Support unlimited custom attributes per product
- Supports paypal subscriptions
- Has the option to collect payment and billing information manually without PayPal
- And numerous settings to configure the store
Admin Features
- Registration options including instant, email activation, and admin approval
- Membergroup support to classify users as different groups
- Permission system on a membergroup level.
- Ban system allows banning by ip, membername
- Comments can require approval and built in comment reporting system
- Built in layout settings to control what information is shown on the view store and item/category view
- Customize which index blocks are shown on the main store index page
- Setup a registration agreement for users when they signup
- Register a member directly from the admin control panel
- Bulk deleting of members from the admin memberlist area
- Settings to control avatars such as allow remote, uploaded avatars and their size requirements
- Integration support for popular forum/cms systems
- Registration has captcha support and also includes built in support for reCAPTCHA
- Supports a registration agreement
Core Features
- Easy to translate into multiple languages. All text is stored in language files
- Developer friendly template system uses Smarty for the major templates
- Built in plugin system to allow installing of plugins and developing your own plugins for ezStore
- With the template system you can easily add advertisements and tracking codes such as Google Adsense, and Google Analytics
- Who is online system to see what user/visitor is viewing or doing
- Coming soon app store for plugins/templates for developers to share their creations for free or paid
Built in login support for popular forum and cms software. Currently supports SMF, ezForum, IPB, vBulletin, XenForo, MyBB, FluxBB, phpBB3 and Wordpress login integration.
PHP 5.3 or higher with GD extension installed
MySQL 5 or higher
GD is required for resizing of images for products
PayPal Business Account. You can get a free Business PayPal account by clicking here
Order ezStore
License is for one single instance/install* of the product and includes one year of updates
*You are also allowed a development/test site as long as it is non public.