ezGallery is a powerful photogallery system.
Gallery Features
- Unlimited categories and subcategories built in
- Picture uploads create a thumbnail, medium size, and fullsize image by default
- Built in user galleries allows members to setup their own personal gallery
- Comment system which allows users to leave comments a photo
- Image approval system that can require images to be reviewed before being posted
- Rating of images from one to five and the admin can see who rated what
- Built in unviewed system that allows users to see which pictures that have not viewed yet and includes a new icon if they have not. As a gallery admin can see which user viewed what picture
- Keyword tagging of a photogallery
- Feature to autoresize if it exceeds the width, height limits
- Bulk upload system with support for multibulk upload from a folder from a computer
- Photo region tagging which allows notes to be left on parts of a photo
- Text and image based watermarking of images
- Built in video player support for wmv,avi,mpg,mov,rm,ram,rpm,flv,asf,asx,swf,mp4 files
- Support for linked media that autoemdeds the video player for 50+ sites including Youtube, Facebook, Google video
- Processing of exif data from images requires php exif extension
- Built in picture favorite system
- Category level permissions by membergroup
- Custom fields by category shown on add/edit/view picture
- Image linking codes can be shown on view picture for bbcode, html and direct link
- Control how many items are shown per page and how many items per row
- Numerous settings such as max width, height of picture, max filesize. Settings that control the height,width of thumb,medium sized pictures
- Highslide built in for enlarging of pictures and slideshow. Also option to use lightbox for enlarging picture
- Gallery stats page containing most viewed, top rated pictures and other gallery statistics.
- Built in option for admins to copy an image from one category to another
- User galleries can be password protected or made private
- Option to rotate an image by a set number of degrees on upload
- RSS supported for main gallery categories
Admin Features
- Registration options including instant, email activation, and admin approval
- Membergroup support to classify users as different groups
- Permission system on a membergroup level. Permissions include viewing the gallery, adding/editing/deleting pictures. Picture approval,adding comments,rating pictures, autoapprove images and more
- Ban system allows banning by ip, membername
- Quota storage limit system by membergroup
- Comments can require approval and built in comment reporting system
- Setting to enable multiple folders for storage of pictures for large gallery websites
- On category level option to set the default sort order
- Built in layout settings to control what information is shown on the view picture page/category view
- Regenerate thumbnail,medium images option
- Admins can transfer an image from one user to another
- Bulk importing of pictures via ftp from the ftp folder of the gallery
- Customize which index blocks are shown on the main gallery index page
- Setup a registration agreement for users when they signup
- Register a member directly from the admin control panel
- Bulk deleting of members from the admin memberlist area
- Settings to control avatars such as allow remote, uploaded avatars and their size requirements
- Integration support for popular forum/cms systems
- Registration has captcha support and also includes built in support for reCAPTCHA
- Supports a registration agreement
Core Features
- Easy to translate into multiple languages. All text is stored in language files
- Developer friendly template system uses Smarty for the major templates
- Built in plugin system to allow installing of plugins and developing your own plugins for the gallery
- With the template system you can easily add advertisements and tracking codes such as Google Adsense, and Google Analytics
- Who is online system to see what user/visitor is viewing or doing
- Coming soon app store for plugins/templates for developers to share their creations for free or paid
PHP 7.0 or higher with GD extension installed
MySQL 5.6 or higher
Order ezGallery
License is for one single instance/install* of the product and includes one year of updates
*You are also allowed a development/test site as long as it is non public.